Nebraska law now requires that electric utilities be notified in writing at least ten days prior to a structure move. One of the new requirements that have been added is that the transporter must carry with them written acknowledgement from each utility that the structure will move though. The transporter will be required to provide this proof to law enforcement upon request. Failure to do so can result in a $1,000 fine. The fine for the manipulation of utility infrastructure has also increased to $1,000 per incident.
Perennial requires notification one month prior to the structure move. The advance notice allows Perennial to inspect the projected route to see if crews will be needed to safely move the lines out of the path of the structure. Perennial wants to ensure your safety as you move through our service area. In the event our crews will need to be on standby, an advance deposit will be required. Once the move is complete, Perennial will only bill you for the actual work required.
When moving a building, the roof, including the peaks, must be considered the highest point of the structure being moved. Additionally, the height of the trailer used for the move needs to be added to the overall height for the move. With all moves, it is the owner or mover’s responsibility to remove all extremities of the structure being moved. This includes, but is not limited to, chimneys, lightning rods, wire, weather vanes, etc.
To help transporters meet the new legal requirements, Perennial Public Power District is providing a form for you to use. You will need to provide the requested information at least one month prior to the date of the move. You can fax or email the completed form back to Perennial. Perennial will then complete our portion and return it to you. If you have questions please feel free to call our office at 402-362-3355.
Click here for Perennials Structure Move Form.
A map of Nebraska electric utility boundaries is maintained at