Perennial PPD offers a load control management program for irrigation customers. Load control management allows customers to choose a level of control that suits their needs.
Reminder: All irrigation wells in the load management program are subject for up to 6 hours of control on Sundays. Sunday control applies to one day, three day and anytime control.
This page is updated daily during the irrigation load control season (June – September). You can also tune into KRVN 880 Rural Radio for load control status. Above is the irrigation load control status for today.
Did you know that Perennial has an irrigation efficiency rebate program? You may qualify for a cash rebate if you:
- Convert a high-pressure system to low-pressure
- Rebuild or replace an inefficient pump
Call Perennial at (402) 362-3355 if you are planning to make efficiency changes to your irrigation system. Checkout our brochure for further details. Also checkout our Energy Wise page for these and other energy efficiency rebate programs.
What is load control?
Perennial Public Power District, like most rural power districts in Nebraska, realizes a tremendous peak in energy use during the months of June through September. A major portion of this peak is due to crop irrigation, since wells are only used for a short period and then sit idle during the winter months. In order to keep peaks as low as possible, the District installs radio controlled switches directly on customers’ irrigation wells. At the headquarters, a system operator monitors system load and has the ability to shut wells off until a desired load level is achieved. As the system peak rises, more wells are shut off. Effective for 2013 load control season, all load control participants are subject to control on Sundays and holidays. Load control on Sundays and holidays are limited to six hours of control. The control times are determined on a daily basis by the District’s power supplier NPPD.
Load Control Switch – To the left is a close-up of a typical load control switch. A GREEN light in the window in the middle of the box, means that there is power to the load control switch. If you see a RED light, your well is under control and will not start. If you have a red light and you don’t think your well should be under control, first check the message at the top of this page to see if we are controlling load. If we are not controlling load, call the District at (402) 362-3355 or after hours at (402) 362-3357 or 1-800-289-0288 and report it. When calling, be sure to give the name that appears on your bill, the legal description and if possible your well number. It is also helpful to leave a telephone number where you can be reached.